Thursday 15 October 2009

Evaporating vision

Some very challenging words from John Piper, taken from a talk he gave on the life of Jonathan Edwards:

"I think that what happens for many pastors is that the ministry does not flourish with as much power and joy as they had hoped and just to survive emotionally they start to give way to amusements and diversions and hobbies. The ministry becomes a 40-hour-a-week job that you do like any other, and then the evenings and days off are filled up with harmless, enjoyable diversions. And the whole feel changes. The radical urgency fades. The wartime mentality shifts to a peacetime mentality. The lifestyle starts to get cushy. The all-consuming singleness of vision evaporates.

"Let me say it again. Our people need a God-besotted man. Even if they criticize the fact that you are not available at the dinner on Saturday night because you must be with God, they need at least one man in their life who is radically and totally focused on God and the pursuit of the knowledge of God, and the ministry of the word of God."

Read the whole thing here


Werewolf Dude said...

I imagine it would be a hard balancing act, a pastor needs time to relax as well, or they will become too stressed and no good to anyone. Then again mayabe they can still find God in their free time?

MikeK said...

Very challenging James.

Been reading Piper's "The Future of Justification". Very gracious, very thorough. NTW's response doesn't seem so graciously delivered though....

Jon said...

James, I love this, as it shows the pastor you strive to be every day. Fantastic stuff. Elim Glasgow have received a huge blessing.

James said...

Thanks guys for your kind comments. Hope that in some way I can be the kind of pastor who doesn't settle into a 9-5 routine Jon. Thanks for your encouragement.James