Monday 10 November 2008

Catching up

I thought it would be good to continue with a weekly catch up. Making the blog a bit more personal and all of that.

The readers of the blog who are part of Elim Crawley will also know that I am a governor at a local primary school. It was quite a steep learning curve to begin with and I'm still not sure I have mastered all the nuances of education policy as it relates to schools and their governors.

I do find it fascinating, however to be part of a world that is very different to church. Being interviewed as part of a recent Ofsted inspection was certainly a new exprience! Left me wondering if we should have the equivalent in church -Ofstich.

You do get opportunities that wouldn't otherwise come your way. Last week I did a funeral that was drectly related to my governor role.

On the church front, it has been exciting to see God at work in our finances and the highlight of our weekend was a visit from Ian McCormack a.k.a. the Jellyfish Man. If you type his name into the YouTube search engine you will get loads of stuff related to him.

Ian's a great guy, approachable and very dynamic. We had a fantastic evening with him with both salvations and healings. That's really what it's all about. Find out more about Ian's ministry here

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